Why Preach Through Leviticus?
At Living Word, we are on a 10-week journey in the Old Testament book of Leviticus. Some of you, understandably, have asked “Why?” Here are 6 reasons that we should preach through Leviticus.
1 - Leviticus structures the religious system of Israel, which is the context in which Jesus came.
This book sets up the religious system – the interaction between God and humans. And it’s into this religious system that God sent us the savior. And so if we want to understand the gospels and Jesus’ life, and what he accomplished, Leviticus really helps us.
2 - Leviticus deals with the holiness of God and how that impacts sinners.
Perhaps the major question that the scriptures set out to answer is how sinners can be reconciled with a Holy God. And Leviticus is focused almost entirely on that question. It sets up our understanding of purity, holiness, and sin.
Leviticus is predicated upon the idea that we are not right with God on our own. That God is holy, and we are not.
3 - Leviticus establishes the need for sin to be atoned for and is the theological and historical foundation for Christ’s atoning work.
You will see dozens and dozens of times throughout this book the idea of being impure or defiled – and then the sacrifice and offerings necessary to cover up that sin and make things right. And, of course, this is what Jesus came to do. To deal with sin. To be a sacrifice for sin. Leviticus prescribes that the answer for sin is a blood sacrifice to atone for the sin. That’s a really big deal. That’s the basis of Christian theology.
4 - Leviticus captures the direct speeches of God to his people through the mediator Moses.
I’ve heard it said, and I didn’t count words, but I think it’s accurate that Leviticus gives us more direct quotes from the mouth of God than any other book of the Bible. God speaks to Moses, and Moses records those speeches.
5 - Leviticus is quoted and alluded to by the New Testament, and Jesus himself, very often.
For example, Leviticus 19 contains one Old Testament passage that Jesus quoted more than just about anything else – the command “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus didn’t pull that out of thin air during his earthly ministry. He was quoting Leviticus. And there are many many other places that the New Testament quotes Leviticus – and countless other places where the New Testament utilizes the imagery of Leviticus.
6 - Leviticus is full of “arrows” pointing the reader forward to Jesus.
This might be the point that becomes most clear to you during our time in the book. Every page of this book contains arrow after arrow pointing us forward to Jesus. Leviticus is all about Jesus.
When we read about atonement, we see Jesus. When the animal is killed in place of the sinner, Jesus. When the impure is cleansed, Jesus. Over and over again, you will see arrows pointing you forward to the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you will give yourself to this study of Leviticus – I think you’ll come to deeply appreciate what God reveals to us through this book. I won’t promise that you’ll say that Leviticus is your FAVORITE book – but I think I can promise that it will change your understanding and deepen your appreciation of these 27 chapters at the heart of the Pentateuch.
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