Symbols of our Savior - Thursday Lenten Lunch Series

Lenten Lunch Series at Living Word in Dickinson, ND

As we journey toward Jerusalem this Lenten season, we encounter a myriad of symbols, each telling “the old, old story” in a unique and compelling way. Our God is nothing if not creative, and he communicates his truth not only through propositions but through pictures: The cross, the table, the bread, the wine, the foot-washing, the palm fronds, and the lily. Each image expresses symbolically an important truth about our Savior. During these forty days approaching Easter we pause, we reflect, we repent, and we worship. Ultimately, we are confronted with the magnitude of our sin and the even greater magnitude of our Savior’s love, who shed his blood at the Cross that we might have life.

Join us on Thursdays during Lent as we share lunch, spend some time in God’s word, and receive in Holy Communion together!

Lunch is served each week at Noon. The service will go from 12:15 - 12:45.

Thursday, March 13
Thursday, March 20
Thursday, March 27
Thursday, April 3
Thursday, April 10


Leviticus - Part 4: Proper Worship


Leviticus - Part 3: Glory & Fire