So Much Bible Reading!

"Devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture..." 1 Timothy 4:13

If you observe many modern church services, you may notice that there is often very little time given to Scripture reading. For many, a time in the service dedicated solely to reading scripture seems antiquated. However, one of the instructions the Apostle Paul gives to his protege Timothy is to be devoted to reading God's Word in public.

At Living Word, we devote time in every single service to read Scripture. On a typical Sunday, you'll hear no less than four Scripture passages read. From the opening of the service to the public reading of Scripture to the reading of the sermon text. If you also count our call to worship (always taken directly from Scripture) and the Benediction (quoted from Numbers 6:22-27) you're likely to find at least six different Scripture readings in every service.

Why does Paul encourage Timothy in this way, and why do we at Living Word pack so much Scripture into every service? Of course, the answer is found in our name. God's Word is ALIVE. It is powerful. It changes hearts and lives. It creates faith and strengthens struggling faith. In the reading of Scripture, you hear the voice of God and receive the grace that he offers.

Scripture is not merely informative history. It is alive. And so we will continue to pack our services full of the Living Word!


The Righteous Savior Advent 2024 - Week 1


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